Sunday, September 4, 2011

My Wild Tiger Gigo Vega Lemon

Go easy on me with the comments this is my first lemon.
"Satsuki, Satsuki " you heard someone call your name you turned around to see a tired Ggio running towards you. You relized he wouldn't have time to stop you stepped  aside and grab him by his collar.You ask him "What do you want"?  "I want to spar with you Satsuki". "Are you sure you want to get your butt kicked again" you said with a smirk. "Not this time" he said. You both walk to the training grounds "Are you ready" you asked  "yeah" he said. "Alright"you said you drew you sword and soon after both your swords started clashing you were ready to release you sword's true form. "Bloom Utsukushi Bara" ( Beatuiful Rose) Your regular arrancar clothes turned into a white and black Shirt showing a little cleavage and showing you navel and skirt with short shorts underneath with white thigh highs. Your hollow mask turned into a rose that is pinned in to hair. Your eyes turned into a bright rose red. Your raven black hair grow down to the lower part of your back. "Lets finish this" You said" "Red Petal Dance'' you shouted. Soon Ggio was surounded by thousands of red rose petals. It closed in on him and disappeared soon you had your sword close to his throat. "You died" you said with a smirk. Soon after your sparring practice with Ggio you took a shower beacause you were sweaty. Soon after you got out you saw Ggio standing at the door he turned to see you in nothing but a towel you hair was wet. you noticed that Ggio was blushing a bit and so were you. "What do you want? I too tired to spar with you again. "It's not that it' s just that I like you a lot Satsuki I wanted to make sure I was making the right decision by sparring with you so  I could prove it." "I was right to make this decision" he said with confidence. He shut the door and begin to walk closer to you he pushed down on the bed and started to kiss you it was soft and sweet. He licked your lips asking for entrance you slowly opened you mouth. He started to pull the towel off of you when he got it off he threw to some random place in the room. He kissed your neck and sucked on you spot which caused you to moan a little. Then he went to your D-cup breast and start to suck the left breast while messaging the right he soon switch when you nipple got hard he gave the other breast the same treatment you moaned loudly. "That's not fair Ggio" you said "You still covered and i'm completely naked". You pushed him on the bed then you started to undress him first you started with the shirt soon as it was off you ran your hands on his well built chest. Then you went towards his pants you pulled them off and so you went his boxers you pulled off his boxers and saw his member it was big you blushed a little when you saw it. "Like what you see" he said with a smirk. You blushed deeper he caught you off guard and flip you over. He look at you and said "beacause I like what I see." He then went to your womanhood he started to lick you womanhood you moaned loudly soon you felt a finger enter you then two you moan again this time a little lower trying not wake Harribel who was next door . You soon felt a knot in your belly as soon as you felt like you were about to burst he stopped you whined  in disappointment. He grab you hips and stuck his tongue inside you were pushed towards your edge you moaned in pleasure and came into his mouth. "You taste sweet" he said.  He then postioned himself  at your entrance "This is going to hurt for a bit then it will get better okay''. You nodded he pushed himself inside of you tears fell from you eyes. Ggio wiped the tears from your eyes soon the pain was replaced with nothing but pleasure and bliss. You gave him the signal to keep going he nodded at went a little faster. "Harder Ggio!" he obeyed a went little bit harder. You then said "go faster" Ggio went a little bit faster. You was about to cum soon and so was he your womanhood tighten around his member which caused you both to cum. He rolled off of you with his last bit of energy. "I think i'm head over hills in love with you Satsuki" "Me too". Soon you both fell into a deep sleep.

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